Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Locavorism: it's not just for eating

You may have already read about how we're trying to eat more local food. One of the primary reasons for this decision is to reduce the energy used to ship food to us from its source. We're not extreme about it or anything - I don't know how I'd feed a Minnesota toddler without bananas, for example. But our choices about food have led us to consider local products and services in other areas of our lives. My husband recently found out that the mulch we chose for our landscaping is less expensive than other kinds of mulch because it can be produced locally, and it has the added benefit of being a natural pest control. This seems to be a timely issue for the Minnesota Twins, as well. Apparently, the Twins' new stadium is being carpeted with sod grown in Colorado, and shipped in on refrigerated trucks. Brilliant.

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