Wednesday, July 22, 2009

All the News That's Fit to.... Read Online

A few years ago, we subscribed to the New York Times, and had it delivered to our home every day. We really did read it every day (or at least one of us did, while the other one of us was lucky to read anything but Goodnight Moon every day), and we often passed along sections or the entire paper to someone else when we were done, before recycling it. It was printed locally, so the paper didn't have to be shipped from New York to Minnesota every day, but resources are resources, and the resources that paid for the subscription were becoming pointedly scant at our house. So, we cancelled our subscription and now we're reading the paper online instead.

I have mixed feelings about this new turn of events. On the one hand, I know that the online version is every bit as informative (and sometimes more so) than the print version. We're saving natural as well as financial resources by cancelling our subscription. On the other hand, my husband did love the feel of the newspaper in his hands, and luxuriated in taking his news with him wherever he went (we have one computer, which I'm usually hogging). I also feel guilty for withdrawing our financial support from the institution of the newspaper. Newspapers are dying left and right, and while I'd like to believe that the New York Times will be around forever, they need our support now more than ever. Online advertising is, in my understanding, not as lucrative as print advertising, and the two markets are different enough that print newspapers don't feel as though they can compete.

What's a modern hippie to do?


  1. Let me share what I do--I get the NY Times headlines sent to me via email every day. I feel this gives me the information I need to know, many articles I send to my phone to read at a later time (though this option is not available for all articles, not sure why). It's also been lovely to see some of the slideshows and videos done as special features, something a traditional newspaper would not be able to offer. Plus, viewed online, you're also able to see the most viewed articles, most shared articles every day, which would help keep you from missing articles not chosen as that days' top headlines. You even get access to the Sunday magazine, where the best reads are, IMO. This weekend there's supposed to be an article about Valerie Jarret and I can't wait to check it out.

    I'll forward today's email to you, you may have to register to view it? Regardless, this has worked well for me. They've played around a bit with charging to see certain columns and editorials, but I think they're back to offering them all to registered users.

    Theresa V

  2. Since server farms that support the Internet are very energy intensive, I've wondered how our switch to on-line everything is really impacting our use of electricity/carbon. I have noticed little discussion from the energy-conscious world on this aspect of our digital lifestyle. Consuming a printed newspaper and not using digital media might be a step in the right direction???

  3. Thanks, Theresa! I love the idea of getting the headlines on e-mail.

    Julie - another perspective that I had not considered. Thank you! I struggle between being well-informed, and occasionally needing a news-vacation, since sometimes current events are just plain depressing.
